Create a model and add fields. Define relationship by simplying selecting existing model as a field type. Add related columns from other model. Configure defaults.
If you already have a database, we will reverse engineer the schema and create models and relationships!
Select model and create page using one of the pre-defined templates. Page is auto generated with all components and integration to backend. Customize look and feel of UI using properties and additional componets. Configure behavior and enhance user experince by combining with additional models.
Instantly test your page and refine as required.
Export source code and deploy to desired location, self host on-premise or deploy to external cloud vendor.
BAPPAZ generates human readable and fully maintenable source code. Exported project comes ready to be built and deploy from simple command line!
Customize UI with a simple drag and drop editor. Creating complex parent child UI is as simple as dropping a list component on an existing component.
From list to forms, all components are pre wired and just work out of the box. Create, edit and delete operation are all pre coded and integrate with backend API.
Easily authenticate users and access data. BAPPAZ has built in security and authorization features, allowing you to secure page and even rows, including out of the box UI to create role and manage user permissions!
To view tabular data and item details. List can be table, card view or even a Kanban board!
For scannble list and details.
At a glance vital stats and charts for KPIs
For data driven decision making
To Configure various options
For user customization
API with full CURD functionality
End points with transaction support for creating/updating/deleting Parent Children records in atomic way
Integrated security check for every API call to ensure only authorized user can access data
Cursor/Seek Based efficient pagination with support for quick search (auto suggest), advanced search and sort
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